Kingston, Tennessee

Public Works Service

Our Services

Street Maintenance

The duties of the Public Works Department include the mowing of road sides, sidewalk repair and replacement, drainage, sign maintenance, street sweeping and pothole repairs. The department currently has 182 streets of which inventory is kept of city streets and each streets condition. Every street is prioritized and resurfaced as soon as possible.

Brush Removal

Brush will be collected twice each year. A notice will be posted here on our website and also on social media and in the Roane County News. 

Brush left for collection must meet the following guidelines:

  • A maximum quantity of two brush piles 4 feet wide x 4 feet tall and 10 feet long will be collected from each household per visit.
  • Our equipment is unable to collect brush placed beneath overhead obstructions, such as tree limbs or low hanging utility cables.
  • Brush must be brought to the curbside and not placed in the street, on sidewalks, or where it block utility meters, poles, or fire hydrants.
  • Brush and limbs shall be neatly stacked in 4′ x 4′ piles with the ends facing the same direction. Leaves or other debris may not be mixed with brush.
  • Please call about stumps or limbs larger than 12 inches diameter.
  • Lumber or construction waste materials will not be collected.
  • Commercial, industrial, construction, or land clearing projects are not included in the brush collection program and will not be collected.

Street Snow Removal

Snow plows are sent out when snow or ice accumulation creates slippery read conditions. There is a priority ranking system that governs which streets in the City of Kingston are plowed first. All streets are categorized which determines their priority for clearing during snow plowing operations:

  1. First priority – main thoroughfares and bus routes
  2. Second priority – heavily traveled streets and steeper grade streets
  3. Third priority – flat residential streets

Residents can be assured that when snowfall accumulates, the Streets Division of Public Safety will do its best to plow all streets as soon as possible in order of priority, but severity of storms can greatly tax equipment and human resources. If snow accumulation is minimal and plowing is not necessary, salt and sand or brine may still be applied to prevent slippery conditions.

You can help by keeping parked cars off streets during and after snow storms. Parked cars are an obstacle to clearing the street well, and also pose a hazard that plows must maneuver around. Your street will be plowed more thoroughly if there are fewer cars
parked on the street.

Private Snow Removal Rules

Remember: It is illegal to deposit snow from private property onto public streets. Snow shoveled or plowed from driveways, parking lots or sidewalks shall not be piled on public streets or another’s private property. Violators will be ticketed and fined.

Miscellaneous Services:

Seasonal Decorations / Landscaping
Holiday decorations, including special street lights, are an important part of the holiday season for the City of Kingston. These items are installed by the Public Works Department, as well as seasonal street banners (6 seasons)

Rights of Way Mowing
The City Public Works Department currently provides mowing services along all major rights of ways. This program also includes trimming vegetation to ensure visibility for signs and at intersections

Drainage Projects
Public drainage projects, which improve the capital investments and infrastructure of the City are handled by the Public Works Department.