Kingston, Tennessee

Wastewater Treatment Plant


The City of Kingston operates a 2 Million Gallon a day extended aeration plant with over 42 miles of collection system.


Pretreatment or Preliminary Treatment

Wastewater enters the treatment plant (Influent) and goes through screening and grit removal. Flow is recorded and pre-aeration is used to “freshen” the water. Flow is also measured and recorded.

Primary Treatment

Influent enters the oxidation ditch. Oxygen is introduced. Aerobic bacteria and other organisms thrive. The water that leaves the ditch is called Mixed Liquor. This then goes to the Clarifiers. Heavy organisms that settle at the bottom of the clarifiers are called Activated Sludge. Part of the activated sludge is returned to the oxidation ditch. Clear water goes to the contact chamber where Chlorine is added before discharge.

Effluent Disposal

Effluent is the treated water leaving the plant. “Old sludge” goes through the centrifuge and is sent to the land fill. This is bio-solids.